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One vote in Congress, Obama is separated from securing nuclear deal with Iran

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One vote in Congress, Obama is separated from securing nuclear deal with Iran

Unread postby admin » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:04 am

One vote in Congress, Obama is separated from securing nuclear deal with Iran

2015/9/2 9:14

One vote in Congress - Obama is separated from securing nuclear deal with Iran

{International: Euphrates News} only one vote separated the supporters of the international agreement with Iran on its nuclear program to mobilize enough support for the protection of the agreement in the US Congress.
Needs Supporters of the international agreement with Iran on its nuclear program to one vote to rally enough support, where he toldmembers of Demoaqrattiyan others in the Senate, namely Bob Casey and Chris Koons, they would support the agreement.
He said members Aldemoukrattiyan in the Senate that they would support the international agreement, which was announced in the 14 of July between six major powers and Iran, Chris Koons said in a speech to "Wilmington" in Delaware, "will agree to this resolution because it puts us on the known by limiting Iran's nuclear program over the next 15 years the whole of the international community to support" .
He Koons "very difficult to predict the number of members who would support the agreement in the Senate at the end of it."
After Bob Casey and Chris Koons join and declare their support for the 33-member Senate and 31 democratically independent and two members in favor of the agreement, which is seen as a likely achievement in politics Foreign President Barack Obama, and this needs Supporters of the agreement to 34 votes in the Senate to prevent the use of the "veto" by opponents of the deal Alnowi.anthy
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