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Maliki and Biden discuss the U.S. military presence after 20

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Maliki and Biden discuss the U.S. military presence after 20

Unread postby admin » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:45 am

Maliki and Biden discuss the U.S. military presence after 2011
22/09/2011 12:57

Baghdad, September 22 / September (Rn) - Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Thursday, with Vice President Joe Biden in a telephone interview conducted by the latter conditions the survival of U.S. experts to train Iraqi forces after the due date for the withdrawal of the U.S. Army at the end of this year.

The political blocs, Maliki's government has authorized to conduct negotiations with the United States to keep the American military trainers after the date of withdrawal, but the two sides have yet to reach agreement in this regard.

A statement by Maliki's office issued today and received by the Kurdish news agency (Rn), a copy of "Vice President Joe Biden made a telephone call with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki also discussed the development of bilateral relations at various levels of political, economic, commercial and scientific."

The statement noted that "al-Maliki and Biden discussed the conditions of survival of U.S. experts to train Iraqi forces."

The new Vice President to support the Iraqi government, and its emphasis on continued cooperation and the development of relations after the withdrawal of U.S. forces. According to a statement from Maliki's office reported.

Iraqis fear the return of violence to the country after the U.S. withdrawal and renewed bloody attacks in the event of delayed withdrawal, particularly after threats by the leader of the Sadrist movement of Muqtada al-Sadr stepped up attacks against Americans.

According to the Iraqi List led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said the pressing issue at present is to go the political blocs to resolve the differences before deciding the issue of withdrawal.

A member Hamid al-Mutlaq's bloc (Rn), that "there are political problems between the blocks by not only going to the compatibility between the blocks to solve the existing problems, before going to a consensus on the issue of U.S. withdrawal from Iraq."

Al-Mutlaq said that "the important thing now is to find solutions to political problems that exist."

According to the agreement signed between Baghdad and Washington, the latter forces will be present - and some 47 alpha-strong - in Iraq for the last year in the withdrawal of being three years ago.

The Prime Minister, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Nuri al-Maliki has said on more than one occasion that the security forces are ready to date of the final U.S. withdrawal.

Experiencing a number of governorates of al Qaeda attacks, most recently was the government buildings in the province of Anbar to the first suicide bomb attacks yesterday killed a number of elements of the security services.
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