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Resignation of 3 officials at the State Department after results of an investigation attack Benghazi

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Resignation of 3 officials at the State Department after results of an investigation attack Benghazi

Unread postby admin » Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:47 am

Resignation of 3 officials at the State Department after the issuance of the results of an investigation attack Benghazi


Palm - resigned three senior officials in the U.S. State after the issuance of the report of the Independent Commission to investigate the incident, the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in eastern Libya on September 11 / September 2012 and which killed the U.S. ambassador and three diplomats.

The U.S. State Department on December 19 / December that the prime ministry's Diplomatic Security resigned along with three other officials in thewake of the official investigation, which strongly criticized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in connection with the attack, which involved a U.S. diplomatic mission.

And among those who resigned Eric Boswell, President of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and one of his deputies, Charlene L. The third outgoing believed that Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Morocco, Raymond Maxwell.

The report said that "a significant shortfall in the security arrangements for the Consulate has led to the killing of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomats during the attack on the consulate in the eleventh of September / September.

The report also criticized the offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of what he called "obvious lack of cooperation", as well as the confusion brought about by the protection of the consulate but the report did not suggest any disciplinary action could be taken against any of the officials.

Although "lack of transparency and rapid response and the lack of appropriate leadership" among a number of officials of State, the official investigation did not find "reasonable cause" that specific individuals had "engaged in bad behavior or they have ignored their responsibilities intentionally also noted the investigation that There was no "any modern intelligence and specific" about an attack eleventh of September / September 2012 or any threat to the consulate.

For its part, said spokeswoman Victoria Nuland and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement that chairman Eric Boswell ministry's Bureau of Diplomatic Security resigned immediately and added that he and three other officials were exempted from their jobs and who did not disclose their names and put us all in a temporary leave of absence.

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