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Deputy calls for printed images of Maliki on the new Iraqi dinar currency!!

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Deputy calls for printed images of Maliki on the new Iraqi dinar currency!!

Unread postby admin » Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:44 am

Deputy calls for printed images of Maliki on the new Iraqi dinar currency!!

Date: Monday 09/09/2013 03:17 pm

Called a member of a coalition of state law, Sami al-Askari, the Iraqis out a demonstration in favor of the survival of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in office for a third term, recalling the great achievements made in his reign,
The military said in a press statement followed our correspondent that al-Maliki of the best of the judgment of Iraq, pointing out that his two terms that the rule of them have witnessed a quantum leap and productive processing of many files was Iraq suffers Petradjaha,
He suggested that that perpetuates the stage-Maliki through the development of forms in the new paper currency noting that he kind of tribute to a man adored Iraq and sacrificed for it.
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