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Denied the resignation of Abdul Basit Turki

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Denied the resignation of Abdul Basit Turki

Unread postby admin » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:12 am

Denied the resignation of Abdul Basit Turki

10/09/2013 12:59 PM

BAGHDAD - morning
denied media adviser to Prime Minister Ali al-Moussawi resignation of the head of the BSA's central bank governor Agency Abdul Basit Turki.
Moussawi said in a statement received "morning," a copy of which was: "promoted by some media news naked on health for the resignation of alleged Dr. Abdul Basit Turki Chairman of the BSA and the Governor of the Central Bank of the agency. "and" We do not consider this a mistake passing, but targeted deliberately for purposes of extortion and spreading confusion in the financial market and the cash. "and called on al-Moussawi these means to" desist from this approach, which spared for the professional side and into our circle legal prosecution. "
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