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Wife of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani announced his death soon

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Wife of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani announced his death soon

Unread postby admin » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:18 am

Wife of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani announced his death soon and arrangements for succession


Palm - According to a leading role in the Kurdish Patriotic Union of Ban Hirokhan-Ahmad wife of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani asked the party leadership to prepare for obituary President confirmation via a set of political and party arrangements before the announcement of his death.

The leader of the Kurdish for "Gulf News" said Ms. Hirokhan Ahmed summoned cadre leader Advanced National Union to evaluate theinternal situation in the organization to study the impact of the death of President on the context of party work and the status of the National Union in the political process Kurdish and most importantly, retain the office of President of the share National Union in reference to an early request to keep the presidency of the family and not a share of the share of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Alliance or.

Kurdish leader also confirmed that Talabani's wife realized the difficulty, but the impossibility of acceptance by the president of Iraq instead of her husband in light of the current challenges and the big problems being experienced by the Iraqi state on the one hand and the relationship of critical witnessed by the Kurdish parties PUK and KDP, pointing out that the Hero Khan began considering the establishment of strong alliance within the National Union is based on the nomination of the president's son Qubad Talabani as President of the Republic and of the Son as remember information preoccupied in business with his wife in the Jewish Oroya.

This and that information stating that Hero Khan will be announced in the coming days the news of the death of the Iraqi president in the hospital German who lay in it for more than nine months because Talabani died already in the refinery on the outskirts of the city of Berlin was pleased not to announce it over the previous period due to problems unresolved left President in the neck of his wife relating to the organization, the Political Bureau and the relationship Arbil and the future of the Kurdish Alliance.

A number of leaders of the National Union Party, led by Talabani demanded the disclosure of funds the party and the Liberation Party of the influence of family Talabani and elections to choose a secretary-general of the party to succeed Talabani, who died clinically and no hope for his recovery or return to work in the state or the party.
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