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6-27-2013 *Adam Montana

Rumors, Chats & Guru Predictions from other Dinar Sites. IDC does not necessarily agree with, or endorse any of these posts.

6-27-2013 *Adam Montana

Unread postby Vixen » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:58 am

6-27-2013 *Adam Montana ~[...I feel like we are going to finally see the end of this ride. When this finally does RV (which I totally believe it will), I am worried about the difficulty of doing the exchange.] sum it up very shortly - when the Dinar is being traded globally, many banks will start taking it and you would be best advised to go to a branch that has a De La Rue machine on site to verify the should be able to find a bank that will exchange for you without "sending it off" for verification if you do your homework and find the banks that have the machines...
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