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8-1-2013 *Adam Montana

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8-1-2013 *Adam Montana

Unread postby Vixen » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:18 am

8-1-2013 *Adam Montana ~[there is a report that a finance committee member stated that the deletion of the zeroes from the currency will start this year. Can you explain what this means for our investment? It sounds like very good news.] There have actually been a number of reports that indicate this process will be done this year...unfortunately, there are also numerous articles that state the opposite. We have to remember to take all the "reports" with a grain of salt and instead focus on the facts. FACT: Iraq is FINALLY out of Chapter 7. FACT: The value of the Iraqi Dinar has steadily increased over the past decade and we believe it is poised to do much more. The question is only "when".
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