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7-22-2015 *Adam Montana

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:58 am
by Vixen
7-22-2015 *Adam Montana ~We're finally through the tedious...slow...agonizing days (which felt like months or years!) of Ramadan. I'm actually eager to see what comes out of the next meetings of Parliament, IMF, GOI, CBI, and a few others. Some of us have been around long enough that we give the current situation a "wise eye" and some of you are hesitant to get excited... I get that. I'm in the same boat. I am a bit hesitant to get excited when it comes to Iraq, just like many of you. BUT... BUT! Something feels different right now. We're only a few days outside of Ramadan, so I'm not surprised to see that there's a lack of major news, much less an RV. That doesn't mean I am not confident that the IQD will gain value. In fact, I am VERY confident that the IQD will gain value! My overall feeling on the Iraqi Dinar right now is positive, so ...we wait for Ramadan to wrap up and let the Iraqi people get back to work.