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]Duke's cliff notes for 1/10/201

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]Duke's cliff notes for 1/10/201

Unread postby Duke » Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:06 am

Duke's cliff notes for 1/10/2012

Good Morning, I hope everyone's week is going ok, of course if the RV were to happen, it would be a lot better, but it is not to be just yet. The ducks are not in a row yet, or to put it in the Iraqi terms, the camels are scattered. But sooner or later they will line up, let's hope it is sooner.

IMO, if Maliki will get off his high camel and learn to run a democratic government, Iraq would be years ahead and above the rest of the Middle East. But IMO, he still has a hold over of the dictatorship type of govt., but let's give him the benifit of the doubt and he will soon learn what we have tried to provide for the country of Iraq and the people of Iraq.

Have a great day and RV soon.

1. Currency Auctions: Announcement No. (2053): 2/10/2012

2. Word of the Day: Tuesday January 10, 2012: paregmenon

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3. How the U.S. helped destabilize the Mideast in 2011

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4. Iraq's PM Maliki: democrat or autocrat?

5. Calls on the Iraqi political blocs to the exchange of Najafi's efforts to resolve the political crisis

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6. Talabani confirms the need for Iraq to Jeffrey to build a real national partnership

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7. Maliki confirms the need not to politicize the security services

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8. Damluji: Iraq had submitted their vision of the National Congress to the President of the Republic

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9. Approving the budget of Iraq under the influence of political controversy

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P. S. Another Picture Joke,r:14,s:35

PP. SS. Another Picture Joke,r:13,s:69

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