Duke's AM cliff notes for 02/09/2012
Good Morning, I hope today is finding everybody well. Well another week has gone by, and no RV. I wish I could tell you when it is going to RV, but as I have said before, I am not a guru.there are times when I don't think we are on a roller coaster, but climbing a sand dune, for every one step we take forwards, we we fall back 2 steps. but I'm still feeling positive, that in the end, our patients will be rewarded.
So have a great day and RV soon..
1. Currency Auctions: ; Announcement No. (2074): 2/9/2012
2. Word of the Day: Thursday February 9, 2012: screed
Read more: http://stardogger.net/forum/showthre...#ixzz1lt8tsrxF
3. Expert: counterfeit currency invade our markets do not disclose devices only after 5 months of trading
Read more: http://stardogger.net/forum/showthre...#ixzz1lt9GDGFH
4. Sadr calls of Iraqi blood on their hands to repent and return to the embrace of religion
Read more: http://stardogger.net/forum/showthre...#ixzz1lt9zdce3
5. Sadr calls of Iraqi blood on their hands to repent and return to the embrace of religion
Read more: http://stardogger.net/forum/showthre...#ixzz1lt9zdce3
6. Iraq warns of a major conflict "undermines the security of the region and to Evtaatha states" and calls him to rid Iraq
Read more: http://stardogger.net/forum/showthre...#ixzz1ltAY67GV
Read more: http://stardogger.net/forum/showthread. ... #post33225#ixzz1ltZFWmEK