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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-2021

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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-2021

Unread postby Vixen » Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:10 am

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-4-2021

6-4-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The World Bank came out twice in the last few days and now a third time in a row to tell the CBI you are sovereign now raise the value of your exchange rate and stop being fearful…Iraq is about to be with a new exchange rate and Iraq is about to give her citizens the purchasing power that was promised to them…

6-4-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling “The Next 5 Innovation Platforms Will Create the New World Order, Per Ark Invest: DNA Sequencing, Energy Storage, Robotics, AI, Blockchain” Why does Iraq want a ‘digital currency’- not a cryptocurrency – but a ‘digital currency’? So they can participate and maneuver within this [The Next Innovation Platforms]. People ask me over and over again ‘are you gonna be around after the currency revalues?’ ….No. ‘Well you know we would like to have a conversation about what to invest [in next]…what’s the next big thing?’ This [The next 5 innovation platforms] is not going to change for the next 30 years. This is it…take the top billionaires and millionaires on the planet and what are they investing in – this environment [The next 5 innovation platforms] and this whole concept right here.

6-4-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Kurd’s leader, Barzani, asserts approval of the mechanism that will implement the agreement of the 2021 budget. He acknowledged that Baghdad should have no reason “not” to send the salaries and dues to the Kurdistan region. The Finance Minister is expected to address accelerating the economic reforms and getting projects under way. However, with only 66 members of Parliament present, a “lack of quorum” prevented the meeting from taking place. The final agreement is expected to become official within a week.

6-3-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know it seems like we have been in “Groundhog day” but so much is happening right now …look at how far we have come…look at Basel 3 about to be implemented on June 28th…look at all the changes in the banking centers…things are very different from where we have been in the past. I am looking at anytime now. Once the tech issues are solved….

6-3-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan The IQD will be taxed as ordinary income since it does not qualify for the more favored long term tax options.

6-3-2021 Intel Guru Holly Thursday Rv News: I am still asked to be quiet and it is difficult because I see you all struggle. The table is being prepared for us. We will be called soon. The word is still this week.

6-3-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “OIL PRICES CONTINUE TO RISE GLOBALLY” …in the past they can’t implement the project to delete the zeros. They said it cost too much. Really…that was when oil was at $35. Now it reaching $80. So now what is your new excuse. We are on to your lame, corrupt excuses. We all should pack up our dinars and ship them back to Iraq for an exchange… This would be trillions of dinars. Let’s see how they would like that? They must take care of use long term investors… It is time.

6-3-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am told they are still ironing out communication issues on the banking tech side of this…So many banking stories from all the world…different banks around the globe…people not being able to do transactions…banks not able to do transactions. Banks getting updates…it appears to be a mad dash to fix these technical issues between now and fully implemented by the 15th…a mad dash! Very interesting to watch…

6-3-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy The hard part is coming out here…keeping everybody informed on what’s going on. What I’m up against is a slew of Youtubers out there saying ‘Yeah I talked to my insider and they got inside rates.’ Or you got that special ‘contract rate’ or those 800 numbers with those redemption centers and the back screens and the tier 1, tier 2 and the clones are taking over the world. That’s kind of hard to deal with sometimes. There are people who believe what they’re being told hook line and sinker. But I’m also the same person who says, ‘hey, you should go listen to all the different…information…draw your own conclusion…’

6-3-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling A lot of people think Iraq has been dragging their feet. They haven’t. They’ve been doing everything they can to add value to the currency but it’s tough when their main source of income is in U.S. dollars…if you look at the countries around Iraq – Saudi Arabia 27 cents. Turkey 11 cents. Iran it’s actually less than the dinar. Egypt it’s 6 cents. Qatar it’s 27 cents. Kuwait it’s $3.32. Oman is $2.60. How is Iraq, the second biggest oil producer in the region…a tenth of a penny?
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