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*Misc Gurus 8-30-13

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*Misc Gurus 8-30-13

Unread postby Vixen » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:16 am

8-29-2013 *Loechin ~[Are you hearing anything specific on WHEN this will happen please?] Most say tonight.

8-29-2013 *Millionday ~this is what we have i will summarize...they have trillions or less to come in through the ports next week, the whole process is ready for a nod from the economic committee to change and set the rate to their real rate and they are announcing to the citizens that they are entering the global stock market the next period.

8-29-2013 *Loechin ~Intel is crazy good today. My phone has been ringing since 7 am. Everything is greater then great and all the signs are pointing to the final destination...we wait for the final text.

8-29-2013 *12thMan ~Received a call from the main HR that spoke directly to our UST contact. As I had mentioned in my last post, on Friday I feel like I will be sitting at the bank in a nice plush leather chair. Well based off info we just received, we still might be doing so. Based off a few calls and a report that came across his desk, people are gearing up to make this happen. We believe its in the UST's hands and they are ready to push the "it's live" button. I know it's right there so please everyone stay grounded... My Aggie buddy thinks Saturday night based off our IMF contact. I guess as the weekend gets closer, we will see! Either way, by next week, we all will be blessed 10 fold.


8-30-2013 *Poppy3 ~hope everyone is smiling tonight because all the news out today [Thursday] is positive...statements of progress within agencies is all positive. lets just all pray they can place the pressure where it need to be and with enough force to make iraq take their own actions and get their job done. it is a huge task that has taken far too long and they are well aware of the issue. Again all issue's that need to be in place are in place...

8-30-2013 *TD ~I checked in with my contact concerning rumors of releasing of IQD internationally. He flat out rejected the rumor stating that as before discussed some very important laws need to be passed & some are in the process of revision. The CRITICAL HCL LAW he stated is one of those to be so and parliament is putting that off till next sessions. So although some reported that the IQD will go by itself due to "technical difficulties" launching the so called 190+ global reset at once also does not pass the test at least according to my source. It's interesting though that some are finally on board with the idea of currencies going in stages or baskets is now the way to go. I still don't see either scenarios as realistic possibilities. There's simply no viable proof of any plan A, B , C, D or X.

8-30-2013 *Bluwolf ~we have a Global Currency Reset that needs to be addressed immediately for the fact is that all this Syrian scenario is just crap built by others to avoid or delay the progress of this Global Currency Reset believe it or not that is where we are standing now. All banks are ready, all whales have been advised, all rates are more than interesting for all involved. Imf cannot intervene nor UN, US gov. Etc.All tests have been done to the dime... no glitches no delays no bad guys now this is fact folks. Now why hasn't it been let out, that is simple, this has a protocol ( a time frame ) a due date that in my opinion is by all means in the now situation, the today of things to be. So we now wait but read my words," it should occur within any second now."
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