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*Misc Gurus 10-10-2013

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*Misc Gurus 10-10-2013

Unread postby Vixen » Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:45 am

10-9-2013 *Eagle1 ~we fully expected to see the GCR live today on bank screens. We know without question that the GCR has been implemented globally and that new rates for the currencies are already available within the various exchanges and banking systems. We also have indisputable proof in the form of certain behind-the-scenes transactions which have been completed which could not have been implemented without the GCR and the revaluing of the pivot gold-backed currencies.So what's the delay in seeing everything on the bank screens so we can begin our exchange? one of my sources... was pretty quick and to the point... “Everything is following a methodical and systematic procedure.” We saw the finish of the final project yesterday (and have documented proof) necessary before the GCR could go live, and the expectation was that we would see things today. A very confidential and secretive meeting has been underway during the past 24-48 hours between some of the principals of the GCR as a precursor to the G-20 Summit which begins tomorrow. My sources report a high level of confidence that we could see the release immediately following that meeting. There is a remote chance we could still see things pop late today on bank screens, but it seems far more likely that we wait and watch for tomorrow.We have known for some time of a tacit gentleman's agreement between the Iraqi Central Bank and Kuwait that Iraq would not release the IQD/IQN at a rate to exceed that of Kuwait (currently at $3.53), but that will not prevent Iraq's currency from exceeding the value of the KWD in the days, weeks and months ahead. Administrative screens currently show the VND/VNN at $.45 and the IDR/IDN at $1.07. At the same time, those same screens show the level of the IQN at several cents below that of the KWD. Will we see this thing tonight? Will we see it tomorrow? Will we see it this week? Honestly, I have a high level of confidence that this is our week and that this ride is finally coming to an end! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!

10-9-2013 *TNT Tony ~I received a copy of the 5-page NDA. It's not that hard to read and understand and I was told there are different ones for different states to cover everything legally. Monday night the banks were briefed on the NDA’s and again this morning. They just received the documents today so they could not have exchanged anyone sooner because they did not have this document. I have been told that you need to do it for all currencies, the document just lists one. Last night the rate went live between 12:00 and 3:00 am for three hours and they expected it to be live when they came into the bank this morning and this morning it was down again. I absolutely believe it could happen any moment today, tomorrow whenever they are ready to let it loose and today looking a whole lot better. I think we're in a good position. 99.99% are saying it can happen tonight or tomorrow AM. If it gets past 7-8PM EDT I don't think we'll see it until the morning, IMO.

10-9-2013 *EXOGEN ~right now in dc you have bretton woods meeting (they created the global monetary system), you have the imf & world bank meeting, and you have every central bank governor of the planet all in same city and the same TIME...HINT hint!!!

10-9-2013 *tlm724 ~if Iraq would just look at the whole picture they would see they could have so much more then what they have now. The opportunity for wealth is astounding...I just know everyone is chomping at that the bit to get into Iraq, I just wish the would get the investment and infrastructure laws done!

10-9-2013 *30 Million [newbie] [ 7:30 pm EST] I have gotten multiple confirmations in the last hour, hour and a half, 7 different confirmations have come in today. Unless something changes, we MAY see this in the next hour. A high ranking government official sent a communication saying...It is happening NOW? Another high ranking official (you would know these people if I told you who they were) said...Look for it tonight. In order for this to go down, a key thing has to be done. One more thing has to be done. At this we don’t know how long it will take to put this last final thing into place, could be an hour, 4, 6 hours, later tonight sometime, within the next 1 - 12 hours we should see it. But what we are hearing, unless something changes, this is our night?. Trust me when I tell you, I never say anything unless I have multiple confirmation. I have 7 confirmations all saying we should be on High Alert, All Night. I’ve Never been as confident as I am right now, unless something changes -You know how it goes, things can happen.


10-10-2013 *TD ~While trouble is still lurking here at home with the debt ceiling debacle things are progressing along over in the sandbox. Iraq has fulfilled all it's obligations to Kuwait and rumors of the communicating on financial matters including rates for the IQD are indeed true & verified with my source. Crucial meetings end of this week with various parties. Of course the timing of release as I stated is crucial. Let's face it if for some insane reason the US defaulted on it's credit line the entire global economy would plummet overnight. Of course this is an unheard of probability...Hopefully cool heads will prevail.Therefore nothing will happen till after the October 16th time line but I'm told it can go anytime thereafter. Iraq wants to show it's feathers like a proud peacock in many global meetings coming up in November. Quietly also many MNC's [Multinational Company?] now know of the imminent status of Iraq and I'm told there's a lot of deal making going on. The final pieces to the puzzle are being laid out folks !!


10-10-2013 *Tlar ~Article: “Parliament proposes to borrow money from the central bank rather than resort to payment on credit in the implementation of infrastructure projects” The purpose of reserves is to back a currency. To give it value and support and maintain its constant purchasing power. Iraq's reserves at present make no sense. So far they are not working to better the lives of Iraqi's. They are seen by many in Iraq as only enriching the CBI as an institution. It is seen as a pooling of money from the Iraqi economy that could be better used. It is time for the CBI to either use these funds to support a greater value to the currency and to encourage an expansionist monetary police, or the attempted attacks on these monies will only increase in the near future. The need to allow them to be used to better the country as loan for infrastructure and projects will increase. The CBI has managed to tie up 80 billion dollars and growing. This in a country with maybe at most still 4 billion in value worth of its own money circulating and a collective uneducated government. The CBI must act before someone puts a chink in their armor and busts the sacred bubble which has become their reserves.

10-10-2013 *Kaperoni ~Article: “Parliament proposes to borrow money from the central bank rather than resort to payment on credit in the implementation of infrastructure projects” How many times are they going to try to take the CBI reserves? This has to be at least the 5 time over the last 3-4 years they have tried or asked to borrow from the CBI.. As Dr. Shabibi is against the CBI law.
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