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*Misc Gurus 5-30-2014

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*Misc Gurus 5-30-2014

Unread postby Vixen » Fri May 30, 2014 9:26 am

5-29-2014 *BGG ~[Are you confident M is gone?] we already know - just a matter of time till THEY KNOW IT. Maliki is living on borrowed time and doing all he can to s-t-r-e-t-c-h it out.

5-29-2014 *DC ~IMF, UST, UN, bankers...literally just is my understanding all are on lockdown again. It was supposed to have been this weekend but the US asked it to be pushed past Memorial day for numerous reasons. It is now being ramped up again. Power players in Iraq are expecting this to go quickly and security is extremely tight right now & on phone black out. UN folks are ready for the actual RV. The DFI funds were released...some segments still under protection but were released. [Are we still on track for the end of the month.] Yes. [Is the dong still in the 1st basket? over 1.00?] Yes, I believe so but don't be surprised if it changes. Everything looks really good and extremely optimistic.

5-29-2014 *Tlar ~The Imf will undoubtedly let Iraq use some portion of the oil production to back their currency. This is why I believe Iraq could come out higher than my original estimate for the last couple of years at 86 cents. This is partially why I now believe we could see $1.50 - to $2.00. In 2008 when they did the strategic study that concluded that Iraq could support $1.13 they were producing approx 1.5 mbpd and the reserves were less that 40 billion. In Nov 2009 when the Forex's started to change in Europe showing the dinar at $1.49 all night, the reserves were less than 50 billion. With all economic indicators that one would use to value a currency today, Iraq could launch their currency even higher than $2.00 but my gut feel is they will be conservative in the beginning for both their safety and the global economies safety choosing to not try to milk the last dollar out of this change. Truth is that is just a guess. Deleting the zeros is an all encompassing statement. Anything 86 cents or above qualifies under this statement. Deleting the zeros (86 cents) may not mean stopping point that I have believed it was, but may be a starting point at a any value greater than 86 cents that Iraq decides to make their currency. Turki said he is ready. Turki said he would do itr today if the government situation were settled.

5-29-2014 *wmawhite ~there are two parts to the admended EO 13303...the first part is directed towards the GOI. The second part spells out the lifting of the prohibitions of the CBI.. HUGE News! [does anyone think it will make news or some sort of confirmation that these funds have made it back into iraq?] the CBI has been referring for weeks about these funds already being in their possession.

5-29-2014 *BGG ~[what else does Iraq need to do in order to be included into the WTO other then an international currency?] I don't think the WTO matters much to us (other than being a good step towards being included in the world economy)...I have never said the Dinar needs to be or is conditional to WTO entrance.

5-30-2014 *MarkZ ~"We" meaning a lot of intel people have been asked to not be too vocal and to not rock the boat while this thing finishes. That being said I want to reassure you all that the news is good and I do believe we are very close to the finish line. [we've been down this road of "don't rock the boat" about a dozen times so do you believe we are NOT being strung along AGAIN?] This time it is totally different people asking for us to keep every one calm. This time the people I consider to be the 'good guys' are asking. I have been told by a source I firmly respect that CL [Christine Lagarde] has handed it off to be completed and she is not a hindrance. I believe there are many who want to stop it, I do NOT believe that they can now though. [the end of May is wrapping up...Sooooo?] Sooooo I think we are close...I still think we may make it. I did have one government source today saying it may take until the 6th or 7th though...possible we still can make this week.

5-30-2014 *Poppy3 ~all new is good news -- THINGS WHERE EXPLAINED TO ME TODAY about the 13303 being extended on the 22nd was decided to happen two weeks prior to the deadline. It was conveyed to Obama and the administration that under the 13303 law as written the banks and the IRAQ CBI would never be admitted to the WTO as FULL MEMBER BECAUSE THE law AS written would prevent all word banks, including the USA banks, from being able to trade with IRAQ and would prevent any DINAR exchanges. Immediately they started writing an amendment to the LAW and when they didn't get it completed in time they then had to extend it until the amendment was which time Obama signed an executive order to put it immediately into law so the BANKS COULD MOVE FORWARD. IT AUTOMATICALLY GIVES OUR BANKS LEGAL RIGHTS TO NOW EXCHANGE OUR DINAR WHEN THEY ANNOUNCE THE NEW VALUE. THIS WAS DONE ASAP. IT HAD EXTREME URGENCY BEHIND IT AND WAS BEING PUSHED BY THE IMF, WORLD BANK AND CBI. WITH THIS BEING SAID...THREE PEOPLE TODAY...TOLD ME THEY ALREADY KNOW WHO THE NEW PM IS GOING TO BE AND THEY ARE PLANNING TO ANNOUNCE THE RV WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS, POSSIBLY WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK OF JUNE, IF THE NEW POSITTIONS ARE ANNOUNCED AS PLANNED.

5-30-2014 *Stryker ~I believe we are in the final stretch of this adventure of ours and here’s why. Obama releases all Iraqi’s assets back to the Central Bank of Iraq, not the GOI...Executive Order Amendment...This means that the CBI can use these assets, properties, etc. to back their currency since they are in charge of the Monetary System of Iraq. The Central Bank of Iraq’s head man Abdul Basset Turki says that all measures will be in place by middle of the year and he will not hesitate to implement to delete the zeros project as long as the situation politically and economically is right for the country. The delete zero project started July 1, 2011 when Dr. Shabibi, the then governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, announced that the CBI had all the tools to start the project. More dollarization was implemented to remove dinars from circulation. It has been postponed two times since then but now I believe we are heading to the final stretch. Can there be another delay, sure but signs show that Iraq is ready to move forward.
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