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Misc Guru's 10-4-11

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Misc Guru's 10-4-11

Unread postby GoneAgain » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:29 am

10-4-2011- Freeway Bill Banks are ready period! I have physically seen cash in instructions with my own eyes at my bank. Folks this is real! My bank got theirs over the weekend. No rate in what I saw, Procedures mostly.

10-4-2011- Frank26 inflation, again, is our friend, and that inflation will trump any of the other factors in this decision to release the rate...Inflation controls Shabibi as Shabibi controls the rate and date. Is the vote of confidence against Maliki going to hold things up again? NO holdup, in his opinion. It doesn’t matter what happens with the Erbil Agreement on Wednesday, Everything is still on schedule. Shabibi is trying to get it done by the end of this year. Shabibi has the rate in his hands and could release it at any time.

10-4-2011- Freeway Bill Meeting moved up for tomorrow [Tuesday] is huge. I believe that we will hear great things tomorrow [Tuesday]. Kurds mean business, Kurds have shut off oil wells in their region to show they mean business. this RV is being pushed hard right now as we speak. They are not letting up. deadlines that have been set for Maliki is great news, he is being taken care if. Either he plays nice or he loses his job. Talibani is having a meeting tomorrow [Tuesday]. You will have a better idea after this meeting. Erbil will not be an issue within hours.

10-4-2011- Checkmate We are in a strong position right now. He [Maliki] knows this is serious, there is some urgency being put to this man, this has been accelerated. People, countries, companies need this, it needs to happen now. News we are hearing, this may not be tomorrow [Tuesday] or Wednesday, I don't believe it is. We are almost there.

10-4-2011- SteveI We believe that all of the auctions in Iraq over the last several months was to move the lower denomination bills to the Iraqi banks preparing for the RI/RV. By the way I have seen pictures of these new notes, so I know they do exist. I still think you need to watch the forex boards and just let it show up. Will any of us know ahead of time? Truthfully, no. Because of the huge impact it will have, it will happen globally all at once. Timing is everything now. I am confident it will happen in the near future. Could it and will it happen in a few days? Maybe, but probably not. Could it and will it happen in a few weeks or couple of months? More than likely and probably will.

10-4-2011- Kaperoni sure hope they get this done before the parliament goes on vacation again, Oct 15th. the "securities law" is a revision to the current temp one. its not a security in a securities law as in stock market, currency trades etc. Parliament may see it this week.

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