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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-23-17

Unread postPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 11:34 am
by admin
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-23-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

11-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: "Central banks contribute to economic balance" Quotes: "government with the involvement of the central bank in determining the exchange rate policy will lead to the occurrence of the difference or contradiction between the purposes of the exchange rate, and between the other monetary purposes , which both the bank and the government seeks to achieve." "an attempt to link the independence of the central bank and exchange rate policy found a place in economic studies, especially in light of the free exchange arrangements or floating..." This is some serious data on exchange rate change and float. The Banks and GOI working as a team is oh so huge! ~ Imo.

11-23-2017 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The dinar is moving forward. We're waiting for a few key things, which you ALL should know about, and they aren't far off. We're looking at an RV at some point! It's not coming today [Wednesday]. It might come tomorrow, or later this week, but I'm not going to speculate on that right now.

11-22-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 All my sources say that [it] is mysteriously quiet; could that be part of the plan? There were some expectations of this going last Thursday, and then I was told “between Thursday and next Wednesday”, meaning today. There has been no RV yet, but I’m hearing of efforts to push this out by the end of today. The big celebration in Iraq starts on Saturday with fireworks, etc. We still expect the final announcement of the liberation of Iraq... We are hoping it will be a celebration of something that has taken place, rather than something that will take place. We are all on the edge of our seats, hoping this announcement will come forth prior to the initiation of this celebration.That being said, various people are making reference to rates possibly being low and floating up, rather than coming out at the full rate. It’s going to be one or the other; those of us who have been listening and preparing will be ready to move in either direction, on a moment’s notice.

11-22-2017 Intel Guru Delta IMO I think the CBI may make a move before Abadi does speech and they will celebrate everything this week.

11-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce I just want you to know we have had Intel that has come in this afternoon and even this evening to tell us kind of what is going on and where we are. Even this morning we used the term “release”, “getting it started”, and “it's going”, that terminology. We believe we are essentially underway in the point of view of the release getting this thing to go thru the system which takes a while for it to happen. It does take a while. It is not just a push of a button. There is a lot to it. It is much more complicated than we thought.

11-22-2017 Intel Guru Bruce When it comes to Iraq, we have heard Iraq’s announcement about their sovereignty and the liberation of Iraq has taken place at least twice and maybe more to the point where we are not looking for another announcement out of Iraq. Iraq is now in position for their preparations of their celebrations to get started on Saturday and go Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I do know this...that Iraq has had a rate that we don’t see quite now, but they do have a rate that is usable for trading since last Thursday. It is out and they are using it. Iraq is trading their currency... We are at a point of a 2nd release or final push in process. It is hard to say what to call it exactly, but that is happening I believe...The intention is for us to have a very happy Thanksgiving. Let see if that happens.

11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Walkingstick IMO Everything hinges on this speech that is coming from Abadi.

11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Aggiedad77 ...from all the news today I am sensing an excitement in the air...something about Abadi and all the news surrounding think he wants to talk...wants to convey his true and honest feelings to his people and the world...the BEST is coming...any day now.

11-22-2017 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: "Organization of an international financial conference next month in Baghdad" Quote: "The conference will discuss a range of important themes organized in the agenda and the most important plans and strategies of the Central Bank of the next stage, and the mechanisms of the development of relations between foreign banks and Iraqi banks, as well as financial reforms that the government is trying to implement to attract and attract foreign investment." Sounds like this conference will spell out the plan. I can't see them having an international investment conference if you don't have plans to reform the currency and open the banking system to attract foreign capital.