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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-3-18

Unread postPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:50 am
by admin
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-3-18

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

3-3-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Articles: "The Iraqi parliament passes the budget despite the injustice that affects the Kurds in it" "Prime Minister congratulates all Iraqi people to launch the general budget law for the year 2018" UNDER GREAT PRESSURE...A HAS NOW KEPT HIS PROMISE...TO FALL INSIDE OF...IMO OF COURSE...A TIME FRAME HE GAVE TO THE 3 HEADED MONSTER...1ST TIME EVER THEY PASS A BUDGET ... NOTE: ...THE BUDGET RESPECTED THE 1ST QT!!! THEY PASSED THE BUDGET / HCL... "IT CAME OUT IN TRILLIONS"...AND WHAT DID WE SAY IF IT CAME OUT IN TRILLIONS?! ...THE RI DOES NOT NEED YOU...BUT...DO YOU NEED THE RI? ...YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP.

3-3-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Kurdish official: Baghdad committees completed the audit of salaries of the region by 96%" My first reaction is…They had to do an AUDIT Because the CROOKED Kurdish leadership was asking for salary money for 50,000 employees that didn’t exist!! It’s no wonder Baghdad kicked them in the 8@!!$$ with 12.5% of the budget thing…

3-2-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 The three presidencies accordingly met late Thursday evening and concluded that 12.7% will be allocated for the Kurds in the budget. PM Abadi reportedly agreeing to paying only two ministers of Kurdistan alleging the others are involved in corruption. Twelve articles in the budget did get passed, but not the "big one”. Saturday is the intended day for the final votes on the budget, however, the Kurds are vowing to continue their boycott of the vote. In spite of these issues, the 800 numbers are still expected sometime throughout the weekend! Excited about the weekend.

3-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...there may very well be a connection between the passing of the Iraqi budget and the reinstatement of the dinar on FOREX. This is no longer just opinion but FACT. So we still see them kicking the can down the road on the budget and now it is postponed (in part) to Saturday 3/3 but they did manage to pass many parts of it this week. So the final vote is now very close at hand. After voting on several articles already, members of Parliament walked out before voting on and the passing of the final budget parts. Some KRG parliament members are still boycotting. Abadi says the vote will be live Saturday on TV so that the citizens can see exactly whom is causing problems and the hold ups. Abadi again on national TV warned everyone that there would be serious repercussions due to the budget not being voted and passed as scheduled, if not concluded by Saturday, however, the Kurds are vowing to continue their boycott of the vote.

3-2-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So is there really a connection between the RV and the Budget? ...there is really NO PROOF that there is a connect but we can see and track the stalling of the budget to a real time stalling of the new rate on FOREX. We get windows of the RV opportunity and they [then?] it stalls again and again, as the budget stalls. Why? We just don’t yet know the connection other than the US government and the IMF has put its foot down and told Iraq (mandated to Iraq) that they need a solid budget in place first. This is FACT not some rumor or my opinion. I have researched this and this is what I have found out.

3-2-2018 Newshoud/Intel Guru BGG Article: "Iraqi presidencies meet and discuss the federal budget" Well, the good news is – they met. They talked. They actually tried to get the vote done in the afternoon. Reportedly, they passed a “provisional budget” – or parts of it. Not exactly sure what it all means just yet. We’ll see. However, I have said all along – this budget will get done, it just won’t be the single harbinger some people are looking for.

3-2-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "After the vote on 12 articles of the budget law .. Jubouri declares violation of the quorum 01/03/2018 15:48 BAGHDAD / NINA / Parliament ended the vote on Article 12 of the Federal Budget Law. The chairman of the council, Salim al-Jubouri, announced that the deputies had been defeated in the presence of only 159 deputies..." The Iraqi budget is read and approved article by article. After 12 articles the number of deputies present fell below 165 and the quorum was lost. There is likely no mystery to the budget process in Iraq. Generally the Parliament does not convene except to approve decisions made in committee and elsewhere. It appears that there was agreement on some articles, but not all so the quorum was disrupted "by design".