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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-21-2020

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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-21-2020

Unread postby admin » Thu May 21, 2020 9:41 am

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-21-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

5-21-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 ...ARTICLE FROM THE PARLIAMENT HAS BEEN RELEASED TO AVOID ALL CONFUSION ESPECIALLY FOR THE CITIZENS. Article: "A proposal on the government table to face the parliamentary economic and financial crisis warns!" Quotes: "raising the dollar exchange rate to face the financial crisis and preserve the hard currency is one of the proposals and monetary measures that the state may take to avoid the liquidity crisis."; "the flotation does not constitute an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar, but ratherwe will see an increase in the exchange rates of the dollar due to the lack of its acquisition in the global market, especially with the decline in global oil prices."; "the flotation is taken in light of the stable financial conditions of the state, as well as the diversification of the economy and its dependence on resources other than oil." THIS ARTICLE IS...CLEARLY STATING THAT THE IQD HAS TO GO UP IN VALUE THROUGH THEIR EXCHANGE RATE...NOTICE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE FLOAT...

5-21-2020 Intel Guru Bruce So we had some things that slowed the process down – over the last 3-4 days – I believe what’s happening now is they are catching my opinion it is running a little behind...We are ready to begin – we think our part of it should come this week...though I believe we are slightly behind the original schedule...I am going to suggest to everybody – just take a deep breath – relax – know that we are in the right moment...

5-21-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Just as Frank [Guru Frank26] has taught, and as even Dr. Shabibi has mentioned in the past, that there will be confusion and propaganda at the END GAME... There is only one real option they have and will do. ioo...As in, they will raise the exchange rate of the IQD by reducing the amount of Dinars to buy Dollars. There is a...chart from the CBI, is noted to have been updated yesterday. The CBI presently shows the public exposure of an increase in the money issuance. ...[Guru] Delta told us days ago...on the Arabic side of the CBI, that they did the increase in currency issuance, which means that what we believe from their data is to be the small category notes and or even coins. Now they are public about it on the CBI site. ...the facts...speak loudly imo, that they are just about now going into a market economy. Everything is ready and waiting. They can't do that with out raising the value of the IQD, imo...

5-20-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "EMERGENCY CELL TO BE FORMED TO REVIEW FINANCIAL REFORM TO MANAGE THE CURRENT FINANCIAL SITUATION AND FIND THE REMEDIES AND SOLUTIONS TO OVERCOME THE COUNTRY'S COMPLEX ECONOMIC CRISIS" ...there were 9 pillars of reform listed. One of which was and I quote – “Fourth, securing the amounts allocated to the reform decisions committed by the outgoing government to implement the demands of the demonstrators.” We know one of these demands is to eliminate the currency auctions. Back in 2019 the CBI said they are working on it and will get it done. They said this to satisfy this demand. This is still underway. At this time the CBI said they only needed a newly formed, stable government and the protesting to stop in order to complete it.

5-20-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [What is everybody’s thoughts in executive order 13303 that expires in 2 days...?] will be awesome it if doesn't get renewed! allows people to invest in Iraq. We are at war with Iraq technically. So if that expires and the declaration of war is not removed then no one can sell or buy if that happens, most will freak out. It could also be a sign that the RV is close to happening and they want a natural way to stop dinar sales without tipping people off by sending out a mandate to stop...We will cash out in my opinion. But don't be surprised if this looks hopeless right before it happens...

5-20-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 Iraqi TV is broadcasting that PM Al-Kadhimi has ordered to print new money to pay the citizen's salaries and that Iraq will borrow the funds to cover the deficit in the budget. A new law will allow them to defer the payment of loans until later.

5-20-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...I told you al-Kazemi is no joke. This guy is already going for the rest of his ministry. The rest of his cabinet to be voted on before...the big holiday which is coming up here real soon. There is a lot of energy in the dinar community in hopes that the rate will change right on or before this holiday. I would be really grateful for that...I'm liking this guy a whole lot. Unlike the other people who drug their feet, man this guy's like look this is it. We're doing this, we're moving forward...looks like our boy Al-Kazemi is gonna get the rest of his cabinet members in there sometime this week or next week...
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