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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-17-2020

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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-17-2020

Postby admin » Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:13 am

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-17-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

12-17-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 my strong opinion the tellers are now going to be introduced to new counting machines...they have the software for the new small category notes that are going to be introduced to the citizens. The tellers this week will be learning the new protocol of the currency and of the new banking system...with their right hand they will hold the new small category notes in order to practice how to use the machine in their left hand. One needs the other...

12-17-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ...we’re still in the zone that we thought we would be in like last Thursday and even though we’re still waiting...we’re in the zone and we are in the “realm” of this happening very very soon...I am excited that they wanted - President Trump wanted this to be done prior to Christmas...then we’re all going to have – maybe the best – the most different Christmas we’ve ever had...we are highly expecting something to go down...

12-17-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...the rate is not going to change by the end of December. Here's the hard facts...The rate can only change at the beginning of Iraq's new budget fiscal period...Iraq is walking in Kuwaits footsteps. Kuwait changed the rate March 24th 1991. Iraq is going to most likely follow a similar pattern. Kuwait did it on March 24th of '91 simply because they were waiting on their new fiscal year budget period starting April 1st. I know for a fact that is also Iraq's fiscal year. I have confirmed it from a contact that works directly for the government of Iraq...

12-17-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Quick question. I saw this video from a "Dinar Investor" who insists that Iraq's Fiscal Year doesn't start until April 1st, and therefore we will probably have to wait until that time frame before we see anything. Is he right about an April 1st start to their Fiscal Year. He said he has "Proof" that is true. What do you know about this?] The fiscal year doesn't matter one iota in my opinion.

12-16-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: "Parliament clarifies the fact that the government entered into negotiations with the International Monetary system to reduce the price of the dinar" ...Quite a few articles coming out telling us that Iraq wants to launch and boost their economy. They want to improve their exchange rate...this article is telling you that all of those statements talking about devaluing the Iraqi dinar are complete BS unless it is stated directly from or by the Central Bank of Iraq...they're telling you they do not have intention of devaluing their currency...

12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra We are down to a very short amount of time based on the IMF's statements from 2 weeks ago. We've got the BIS waiting to invest in the reserves of the Iraq Central Bank...we've go the UST. We've got IMF. The Central Bank. Everybody is ready to go.

12-16-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana The writing on the wall is about as clear as it can be...follow along and enjoy! Article: "A Kurdish bloc reveals the fact that Baghdad and Erbil are close to signing a comprehensive oil agreement" ...this is HCL. Quote: "...delaying solutions delays the completion of the 2021 budget law." Are we reading that they want the HCL to pass with or prior to the Budget? It sounds that way! Quote: "the agreement will be included in the general budget law for next year." There we have it, kids! Quote: "the two parties announce within the next two days their new agreement regarding the export of oil and the delivery of customs revenues to the federal government." This would be today.

12-16-2020 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Quote: "confirmed that the President of the Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani, will visit Baghdad soon to sign a comprehensive oil agreement between the governments of Baghdad and Erbil." Basically, everything we have been witnessing - the increased cooperation between parties. Continued stability of the GOI. Elevated confidence in Iraq from the PTB all over the world. EVERYTHING we are seeing is pointing to HCL, a new Iraq, and an RV. Don't count your chickens just yet, but this is getting REAL. GO RRRVVVV!

12-16-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] On the RV front...I have seen no movement. There are still a number of people in place with great expectations of having something done before the 21st. No news out of Iraq…they are still in a holding pattern. Seems like the whole world is in a holding pattern waiting for the shoe to drop...

12-16-2020 Intel Guru Footforward Article: "Dinar value falls as Iraq contemplates currency devaluation" ...we have been waiting at least 7 years for that specific article. And I think it's fantastic...some of us have expected this from Iraq before the rv for a long time.

12-16-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: "Rapid decline of the Iraqi currency ... 132,000 dinars against 100 US dollars" Is it going in the wrong direction at the moment? Yes it is at the moment. Just at the moment. This isn't the official exchange rate. This is what's going on there internally...they're hearing rumors that they're going to devalue the dinar...I see the rumors going back and forth on whether the dinar is going to devalue or if it's going to increase in value. I'm watching it. As soon as I hear anything official we'll bring that on out.

12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra Article quote: "the exchange rate has reasons and obligations that have decided by the central bank." ...Their words not the's coming...

12-16-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Everything is still on track for early Jan 2021 reinstatement. It is mid-December already and so we should witness the project to delete the zeros sooner than later. Remember that the CBI would like to have 1 to 2 weeks prior to the reinstatement in order to monitor for inflation and make corrections if needed. So we are still moving in the right direction and that is what matters...
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