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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-19-19

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Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-19-19

Unread postby admin » Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:05 am

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 9-19-19

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions

9-19-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana ...China has the ability to dump loads of money into Iraq's infrastructure, taking significant weight off of the Iraqis in that regard, which would free up Iraq's resources (time/people/government/etc) to focus on their actual bread and butter. China won't be doing this for free... in fact, I can foresee Iraq becoming so indebted to China over this that they are forced to raise the value of their currency just to cover the debtthat they will willingly incur from China in order to fast-track their future. Iraq then officially enters the currency manipulation game, just to keep up with China, and that just tickles me pink! Who wins if this happens? Everyone. China wins. Iraq wins. We win. This is a clear path to Iraq becoming even stronger, with a stronger currency, and the rest is sort of irrelevant. Pretty neat stuff.

9-19-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Reno is being very quiet… Isaac (in Zurich) has not updated us since last week...I really hope that means he is under a NDA. [...are they simply kicking the can down the road again into next week?] I really do not think they are kicking the can…I think its rolling out...not as quickly as we want...but I believe its logistics at this point. My contacts on the ground say no new rate as of yet…I am told the Iraqi PM is in China signing the final RV paperwork, trade issues, and treasury rates...and it will release when he gets back home which should be overnight tonight to Sat. Morning. [THERE WAS A BANK THAT IN TEXAS THAT EXCHANGED THE DINAR AT $3.91 ON TUESDAY] They appeared to have jumped the gun...but if banks are doing currency know they believe we are really close...

9-19-2019 Newshound Guru Kaperoni ...They will never introduce any smaller categories until the currency has begun to appreciate to a point where they would be needed and it would be seamless without fanfare.

9-18-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff ...let's set our emotions aside for a second...they've been setting the stage for this...keep in mind there is no "Dinar For Dummies" manual. We don't have a book or guide that tells us every step Iraq has to do before the rate can change...So we have to look at what they do and what they say. Look at their actions to piece things together and then you have to make some opinion with that...their actions suggest there's not much more they can do before they change the rate...Iraq has to achieve stability before the power that be will elect Iraq to change the rate...the news articles are strongly suggesting and telling us that they're in forward progress to reach stability...the news looks very good...

9-18-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I checked in with my WF connection for the WF private group...they are expecting emails out and you can also go to the bank website to check the 800 numbers if you are worried...hearing they are setting up a special page just for that. This way you all know the 800 numbers are legitimate and you are not being bamboozled...

9-18-2019 Newshound Guru Adam Montana Quick note about the drone attacks on the Saudis - OIL is a pivotal issue in the Iraqi Dinar rate. It's no surprise that the recent events caused a flurry of commotion in the Dinar world. Oil speculation went wild for a couple minutes (ok, days), but currently stabilized at $59...

9-18-2019 Newshound Guru chattels Article: "Parliament votes on a law and ends the reading and discussion of three bills..." Again, no parliamentary action on any important law(s), IMO. Quote: "...held under the chairmanship of Mohammed Halbousi and the presence of 175 deputies,..." Attendance is low. Little more than minimum quorum requirement. Parliament will adjourn until next Saturday...

9-18-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff ...After looking at all the news...looking at everything that's going on, I'm of the opinion that the rate change will not occur this week. But we look like we're still in a very good position...the thing is right now they're too quiet. They're not giving us any clues to what's going on...they could end this next week but it could roll into October...the signs and variables show that we are still very close...

9-18-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am feeling really good about where we are! I am hearing fantastic things from Europe...3 contacts there say they are expecting funding today and no later early tomorrow morning. ...I heard a rumor that today is the day and that yesterday was procedural...trying to verify this. ...No new rate in Iraq as of last night. ...I am still hearing they want everything done before the end of the month.

9-18-2019 Newshound Guru Vital Brad ...The CBI put out an article "The Central Bank holds a workshop in preparation for the classification of banks operating in Iraq internationally." ...Iraq again talking about being regulated on an international standard. All signs point to go. They would not be doing this if their currency wasn't gonna be reinstated...why would they be getting themselves in this case internationally standard ready if they weren't going international?...the stage is being set for the big show and things are looking better than ever. I've never seen things line up this well...
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