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6-27-2013 *Frank26

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6-27-2013 *Frank26

Unread postby Vixen » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:48 am

6-26-2013 *Frank26 [via BulldogFord65] ~Ban Ki-Moon recommendation to remove from CH7, Shabibi...visit to NYC – this is huge! Walking from CH7 to CH6 speaks volumes of what is about to happen to the value of their currency; Iraq is going in this direction, there is no turning back, regardless of date, there is no way to turn back. UNSC meeting to vote on CH7 will be broadcast live on UN webcast at 11:00 AM EDT on June 27. CH7 release on June 27, logic says that we need to see the rate or Iraq puts their shackles back on – THIS IS NOT A DATE, IT IS LOGIC, and also realize that after release they need a couple of days, this is why Frank and his teams study the window to July 7...The release from CH7 means Iraq enters CH6, but international status still depends on the release of the rate.
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