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9-2-2013 *Kaperoni

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9-2-2013 *Kaperoni

Unread postby Vixen » Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:22 am

9-2-2013 *Kaperoni ~Article: "The prestige of the Iraqi dinar" The right to raise the value of the dinar and international convertability falls under the CBI and acceptance of IMF Article VIII. It was clearly stated in spring 2011 that all sanctions pertaining to banking no longer exisited...though the stigma may still exist of UN Chapter VII. I was wrong, Shabibi would not have been moving forward with his monetary reforms in 2011 and again in 2012. He simply would have stated, he cannot do anything until the remaining UN resolutions were removed. He did not. Will Iraq make the dinar internationally recognized in 2013? The key is the SFA which contains the TIFA agreement. That in itself is what hopefully will motivate Iraq to get it done.
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