by Vixen » Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:24 am
9-6-2013 *Kaperoni ~Article: "Calls for economic reforms before you start deleting zeros currency" As we have stated several times, we believe this is a two part process. Part one is to raise the value of the dinar, then part two is delete the zeros which is nothing more than a declaration (and implementation of the Law of Indebitness) and new currency. Part two has nothing to do with us and we dont care. Therefore, IMO if they say they will delete the zeros early next year, then the raising of the value must come first. Which we believe is a float. Time will tell.My concern at this point is the upcoming elections. Maliki would never want to give value to the dinar before an election IMO unless it benefits him. By doing so, he is giving his rivals money to campaign against him. I hope I am wrong, but he may very well try to keep the dinar weak until after the elections...but only if he knows he will win. I don't think he can win without giving value to the dinar at this point.