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9-10-2013 *Kaperoni

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9-10-2013 *Kaperoni

Unread postby Vixen » Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:14 am

9-10-2013 *Kaperoni ~Article: "Abdul Basit Turki submit his resignation in the hands of al-Maliki" I would not be two quick to lean one way or the other on this. There are reputable news agencies saying he did summit his resignation and confirmation from Kirk [Sowell] who monitors Iraq all day. And then we see these articles denying it and it was not on tv today. As well, the CBI website has not made a statement. So at this point, we just do not know yet what is the truth.the problem is not the CBI nor the governor. So many seem to think Turki is scared or afraid or Shabibi was..That is not the case. These guys are professionals who cherish their lives. Yes the CBI is suppose to be independent but it is not under this situation. The GOI wants to call the shots when it comes to this event. At least once a month an article will mention GOI interference. The reality is, if Turki tried to do this on his own, Maliki would have him arrested or he would simply disappear. This quote is from the Finance Committee just a day go..."to being will strengthen the monetary value and easy to transport," calling "the executive, legislative work on the success of this project as soon as possible." Who is the executive? Answer - Maliki.
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