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9-12-2013 *Kaperoni

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9-12-2013 *Kaperoni

Unread postby Vixen » Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:51 am

9-12-2013 *Kaperoni ~ "CBI release - To/approved banks exercise all banking/money transfer companies, approved all" It looks to me that the CBI is announcing they are fully liberalizing the foreign exchange market in Iraq. So all dealers can now sell dollars. It may be a very good sign towards the transition to the new "float" exchange regime! So what we have is new currency instructions for banks and money transfer companies that was created and sent out (apparently) privately since it is not posted on the CBI website at or around the 1st of September (dated 3/9). And today, a public announcement "activating" those instructions. To me this is very interesting and clearly makes one think they are doing something pertaining to the currency and foreign exchange that they do not want us to know about.Now this is where it gets good...we have read articles recently about raising the value of the dinar against foreign currency...but what is key is they said they were going to do this earlier this year, but the government asked them to wait. And we know these instructions came out earlier this year. And the good part is what we are seeing now..that the CBI is asking these banks and money transfer companies to now implement rules that was released over 5 months ago. Make sense? We could very well be seeing the CBI acting to raise the value of the using the very rules that they put out months ago for this purpose. This is in essence additional "liberalization" of the foreign exchange as stated by the IMF. It is good news.
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