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7-3-2014 *Kaperoni

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:40 am
by Vixen
7-3-2014 *Kaperoni ~Press Release: "The Iraqi Central Bank announced a number of improvements on his cash marks a new security feature high protection against counterfeiting with changes in some of the designs of banknotes" this appears to be the changes to the larger bills for added security...the CBI made "enhancements" to the smaller 250, 500s bills as well a few months ago. It does not mean new notes...other than reprinting of current denominations with some changes and security features. More importantly the CBI would never do this if they expected to "over night" RV... I cannot say it often enough...this is going to be a gradual appreciation...and it will not start until the laws are passed, the GOI is seated and the violence stops. Then... the CBI will open the capital account, change to Article VIII and new Exchange Regime and the dinar will begin to rise based on the economic conditions...the Balassa-Samuelson effect.