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10-29-2015 *Kaperoni

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10-29-2015 *Kaperoni

Postby Vixen » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:36 am

10-29-2015 *Kaperoni ~Article quote: "Confirmed member of the House of Representatives Abdul-Salam al-Maliki that the plans laid down by the state in connection with the processors need more than being a cash transaction process..." It is clear, that despite what many think, the dinar does not rise or appreciate overnight (prosthesis solutions). Their is no overnight flip of a switch or event. IMO, he is clearly stating that the goal is the raise the value, and issue a new currency, but it takes time as they must put the processes and measures in place to create the environment to do so. That means passing laws, stabilizing the dinar, creating the environment for investors, etc. In other words, the dinar will appreciate based on sound financial and economic principles. The end result will be good and worth waiting for. It has been clearly stated by the IMF the plan. ...that is what currencies do...they float. Most currencies in the world float, with their value determined by supply and demand. Salaries, wages and cost of goods are usually not adjusted daily, but adjusted monthly making for very realistic and seamless growth that is reflected by the strengthening of the dinar and reduced cost of goods. What is unrealistic is to think about a RV or some other overnight event. With well over 30 trillion dinar it is physically impossible for Iraq to revalue the dinar.
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