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Vixen's giggle for the day*

Vixen's giggle for the day*

Unread postby Vixen » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:14 am

A wife treats hubby by taking him to a Strip Club for his birthday...At The Club, The Doorman Says, "Hi Jim, How are You?"
The wife asks, "How does he know you?
Jim says, "Oh dear, I play football with him."
Inside the Bartender Says, "The Usual, Jim?"
Jim says to Wife, "Before you say anything, He's on the Darts Team."
Next a stripper Says, "Hi Jim! Do You Crave the Special Again??"
The Wife storms out dragging Jim with her & jumps into a taxi...
The Taxi driver Says, "Hey Jimmy Boy! You picked up an ugly one this time...."
Jim's Funeral is on Sunday!!!!
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