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Study: heat waves will increase two-fold in 7 years

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Study: heat waves will increase two-fold in 7 years

Unread postby admin » Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:10 am

Study: heat waves will increase two-fold in 7 years

18:37 16/08/2013

Agencies - Scientists said on Thursday that the regions of space heat waves in the world will increase to double by 2020 and will continue to widen in the coming decades with the increase in global climate hotter due to greenhouse gas emissions.
The forecasts are based on new models prepared by the computer and see what the scientists said it was"an unprecedented number of severe heat waves" Over the past ten years.

The new forecasts more disturbing than stated in the report of the UN Panel on Climate Change last year, which only saying that "it is very likely that over the duration, frequency and intensity of periods of high temperatures or waves of hot weather in most parts of the land" of this century.

The report said that the monthly maximum temperatures in summer, such as waves of hot weather in Australia this year, or as they were in parts of the United States in 2012 or Russia in 2010, now affects 5 percent of the land area in the world.

The scientists wrote in the new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters "is expected to increase this to double by 2020 and to four times by 2040."

And tropical areas will be most affected by the growing waves of warm weather followed by areas including the Mediterranean, the Middle East and parts of Western Europe, Central Asia and the United States.

Diem said Cuomo at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, "in many areas will be cooler months in the summer by the end of the century hotter than the hottest months, that we are witnessing today," unless it is to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

The world's governments agreed to limit the temperature rise to less than two degrees Celsius above the levels that prevailed before the Industrial Revolution and plans to reach by the end of 2015 an agreement to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. O, o
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