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Hovengton Post: $ 6 trillion cost of the occupation of Iraq

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Hovengton Post: $ 6 trillion cost of the occupation of Iraq

Unread postby admin » Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:55 am

Hovengton Post: $ 6 trillion cost of the occupation of Iraq

15:59 09/11/2013

Follow-up - and babysit -
A study conducted by the American Institute of Watson, that the cost of the U.S. occupation of Iraq amounted to 7.1 trillion dollars in addition to the $ 490 billion of accrued interest to veterans, pointing out that the expenses could increase to $ 6 trillion over the next four decades, except for benefits.

As the invasion claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, as pointed out that the United States did not gain little from the war while Iraq suffered a shock and an active al-Qaeda terrorists from it.

He said that the war had led to a drop in women's rights and weaken the health care system unstable.

The study, published in the newspaper (Hovengton Post) States that the war in Iraq claimed the lives of at least 134 thousand Iraqi civilians and may have contributed to the deaths of four times that number, while the reconstruction efforts, which cost $ 212 billion a failed largely because most that money has been spent on security, lost or wasted or subjected to theft and fraud.

The study said that work on 30 academics and experts at the institute, said that when he was the inclusion of the security forces and the resistance to the occupation, journalists and humanitarian workers in the list of victims has increased the death toll in the war to an estimated between 176 thousand to 189 thousand people.

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