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Deputy for the rule of law: the national meeting will be held next Thursday

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Deputy for the rule of law: the national meeting will be held next Thursday

Unread postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:45 am

Deputy for the rule of law: the national meeting will be held next Thursday

16-09-2013 12:21 PM

[pic=]Deputy for the rule of law: the national meeting will be held next Thursday[/pic]
Baghdad (news) .. announced member of a coalition of state law, MP / National Alliance / Fouad Alldorki, the date of the national meeting, pointing out that he will be held next Thursday. said Alldorki in a statement (of the Agency news): The national meeting will be held next Thursday because circumstance that surrounds Iraq does not help to be postponed. added: that what is happeningin Syria, the harbingers of security and fear of reflected negatively on Iraq, it has to be political leaders a sense of responsibility and unifying vision of Interior and participate in the national meeting. said MP for the coalition of state law to: that stability Political reflected on the security reality and leads to the cohesion and unity of the people and the rollback of the terrorist attacks. was a member of a coalition of state law, MP / National Alliance / on the Keywords, expected to hold national meeting this week, saying: national meeting expected to take place within the initiative of Vice President Khudair Alkhozai will be held during the current week. / End
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