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9-16-2013 *Kaperoni

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9-16-2013 *Kaperoni

Unread postby Vixen » Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:26 am

9-16-2013 *Kaperoni ~Article: "The presence of al-Maliki .. Kicks the launch of a five-year development plan" Nice! Good to see this moving forward. IMO, this event today is huge! We knew the CBI announced to the banks last Wed, to implement the new auctions rules from last March (which was basically 'liberalizing" the foreign exchange market). Today's announcement is Maliki's official endorsement to go ahead with the plan which includes monetary change to support it. Activating this plan, is the green light to move forward with the free market and all that is part of it..including the dinar.
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