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Washington help Libya to establish the power of "commandos"

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Washington help Libya to establish the power of "commandos"

Unread postby admin » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:10 am

Washington help Libya to establish the power of "commandos"


Palm - U.S. officials revealed that the ministries of defense, "the Pentagon" and Foreign Padrta to assist the Libyan government to create a commando force to fight insurgents who killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 others in Libya last month, and help the country to confront the militias.

The newspaper "New York Times" for officials as saying that the administration of President Barack Obama got a secret congressional approval to transfer $ 8 million from operations Pentagon andassistance work in the fight against "terrorism" allocated to Pakistan to start the process of creating the power elite Libyan during the next year has many elements about 500 soldier.

Officials said that U.S. Special Operations Forces might be interested in training commando new as I have already done with the forces against "terrorism" in Pakistan and Yemen, adding that the effort to create the new unit began by killing Ambassador Stevens and the Americans the other three in Benghazi, but the plan has gained momentum over after the attack .

The newspaper pointed out that according to an internal memo is confidential to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent to Congress on September 4, the purpose of the establishment of the force is to strengthen the capacity of Libya to defend itself and confront the threats of al-Qaeda and its partners and document indicates the Pentagon to force commandos Libyan "face terrorist and extremist organizations and defeated."

Did not take a final decision on the plan and many details yet to be determined, such as task and composition commando unit, but that government officials Americans say the main lines discussed with senior civilian and military Libyans part of a package to help U.S. security wider Libya and predicted officials in Washington to take a final decision in this issue with the end of the year, beginning instructors create major units within 12 months.

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